Bridesmaids Bouquets
Handmade flowers Adorned with Swarovski Crystals or Pearls |
Our bouquet photos do not capture the true beauty of our porcelain flowers. Each photo on our site enlarges to show the detail. Sample porcelain flowers are available, click here. |
Click images for details.
Bridesmaids flowers starting at $35 Bridesmaids Petite Bouquets
prices starting at $75!
Custom Requests are Welcome
Bouquet Click here for bouquet pricing As low as $60 each! |
Bridesmaids Bouquets Reality Roses and Stephanotis Porc 649
Click Here
For Pricing
As Low as $110 each! |
Large Calla Lily Bridesmaid Bouquet # Porc209
Click here for bouquet pricing
As Low as $80 each! |
Large Fade Rose Bridesmaid Bouquet # Porc 624
More information
As Low as $90 each! |
Tiger Lily Bridesmaid Flowers #Porc 346
Click here for Tiger Lily Pricing
As Low as $90 each! |
Single Stem # Porc254 As Low as $60 each! |
Large Tiger Lily with Stephanotis flowers and hydrangea
Click here for more information
As Low as $60 each! |
Large "C"
Roses with Small Reality Roses
Single Large New Rose
More information
As Low as $35 each! |
Single Large Hydrangea
As Low as $95 each! |
Bridesmaid Bouquet Porc 74
As Low as $130 each! |
Reality Roses, Stephanotis and Hydrangea Hand Tied Bridesmaid Bouquet # Porc 61 4
Click Here For Bouquet
As Low as $175 each! |
Assorted Reality RosesHand Tied Wedding Bouquet # Porc 615 |
Bridesmaid's Bouquet Porc 74
As Low as $140 each! |
Bouquet |
Silk Embellished
Porcelain Blend Roses or Calla Lilies
with silk hydrangeas
Porc # 276 Click
here for more information
As Low as $95 each! |
Click here for individual hand-tied flowers.
E-mail us at Please email your order to the above email. We guarantee a 24 hour email response. If you do not receive a response within 24 hours, please call and let us know our email is not working! Call Toll Free 1-888-795-1671 |
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