Hand Tied Wedding Bouquets
Handmade flowers Adorned with Swarovski Crystals or Pearls |
Hand-tied bouquet are very similar to an arm bouquet, with the main difference being the presentation. Although any flowers can be used to create a hand tied bouquet. The most common flowers used are roses and calla lilies. This bouquet has a ribbon wrapped stem and is tied with a ribbon. |
Our bouquet photos do not capture the true beauty of our porcelain flowers. Each photo on our site enlarges to show the detail. Sample porcelain flowers are available, click here. |
Click images for details.
Bouquet prices starting at $75!
Rose Bridal
Bouquet Petite bouquet prices starting at $75! |
Large Calla Lily Bridal Bouquet Porc # Porc209 |
Medium Calla Lily Wedding
Bouquet |
Assorted Reality Roses Without Crystal Centers Hand Tied Wedding Bouquet
Bridal Bouquet in shades of Terracotta, Moss and Ivory |
Bride's Bouquet Reality Roses & Stephanotis Porc 648 |
Porc575 - Mixed Bouquet |
Wedding Bouquet |
Jamie Wedding Bouquet Medium "D" Roses with Small Reality Roses and Stephanotis |
Reality Roses, Stephanotis and Hydrangea Hand Tied Wedding Bouquet # Porc 614 |
Assorted Reality Roses Hand Tied Wedding Bouquet # Porc 615 |
Crystal Bridal Bouquet #HT1 |
Wedding Bouquet |
Medium "D" Rose and Medium Calla Lilies Wedding Bouquet # Porc 720 |
"C" Rose Wedding Bouquet
Click Here for More information Single Stem -# Porc254 |
Bouquets - Hand-tied
Gallery Page 2
E-mail us at porcelainbouquet@aol.com Please email your order to the above email. We guarantee a 24 hour email response. If you do not receive a response within 24 hours, please call and let us know our email is not working! Call Toll Free 1-412-795-1671